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Systèmes d’information (SI)

Fullstack Java Angular Developer

48K €
/ 65K €
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Job description

Within the Structured Finance department of a large investment bank, you will be part of an extensive program consisting of the complete redesign of the Front-Office position for the bank’s Finance activity.

The project is carried out in Agile / SCRUM methodology and is oriented around several fundamental values that should be carried throughout the reflections and proposals for solutions

Intuitive screens for users – Full integration of business processes and rules to guide the user – Front-to-back and single-input principle. – Collaborative space for the various stakeholders – Development in “Continous Delivery” mode

Within your team, you will contribute to:

  • Regular delivery of features
  • Implementation of DDD, TDD, BDD practices
  • Entity monitoring (dev – prod) and Agile method.
  • Practice of code review.
  • Change management through workshops (Coding Dojo, BBL, KATA) and documentation (Word documents, PowerPoint, Github)
  • Development of feature implementation solutions: Contribution to the SDP and architecture review
  • Communication on the technical solutions implemented and popularization

Developments should:

  • Work in any environment
  • Meet functional acceptance criteria
  • Respect the monitoring criteria
  • Comply with the perimeter’s norms and quality standards
  • Production must operate all the time and follow up on a priority to resolve production incidents and problems.
  • Verify that builds build and implement actions to return to a steady state
  • Understanding user needs and providing solutions
  • Error analysis and continuous improvement follow-up
  • Follow-up put into production.
  • Follow-up of estimates
  • Technology watch and new emerging practices
  • Maintenance of tools developed in-house

Technical environment:

  • Technologies: Java 8, Spring, Angular 6, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ, Docker, Jenkins
  • Architecture: Microservices
  • Methodology: Scrum, Kanban
  • Best practices: TDD, BDD, DDD, XP
Profile sought

Level of experience: 5/10 years – Computer Engineer / Bac + 5 in Computer Science

Java expertise, good knowledge of the Angular versions 6+ framework

The “Software craftsmanship” approach: good development practices (TDD / BDD / DDD / Clean code)

The “Craftman” spirit and personality will be major assets for the position

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